Today is Ash Wednesday in the Christian tradition. It is a day for self examination and repentance from the things in our lives that are harmful to our relationship with God and our spiritual life, relationship to ourselves and relationships with our neighbors. What is holding me back from a deeper connection to my Creator and my spiritual life? What are some ways that I have not respected and loved myself? How might I have harmed those around me with my words, actions or inactions? These are some of the questions that Ash Wednesday poses to us.
It also represents an opportunity for new beginnings, setting a new course in life, and projecting new intentions and goals for being a better more loving person. Of course everyday represents a new opportunity but for me, ritual is an important part of how I make meaning out of the things in my life.
I want to be the best person that I can be and to reconcile with those whom I have harmed as well as those who have harmed me. I invite you to take some time today for self-examination, for making peace with God, self and neighbor, and for projecting a new vision for the path ahead that includes more love and less fear. Life is short. Live it to the fullest.